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Preparing Your Home Before the Residential Painters Start Their Work

Banking on reputed professional painters is an imperative if you are to see the interiors of your home painted flawlessly. For sure, these pros will carry out their responsibilities in a spotless manner.

While reputed companies have their role to play in this, you have your tasks cut out as well. In fact, you have a pivotal role play before the professionals take over. In fact, but for your cooperation and a little bit of homework, the task of even the finest professionals will turn out to be pretty tricky.

Here are some ways you can prepare your home for some flawless internal painting.

Take Note of The Flaws for Sanding

It is your home. Naturally, no one knows its walls better than you do. Therefore, you are the one who is most familiar with the flaws that the walls live with. Take note of them and mark them properly with a marker.

It will make it easier for the professional residential painters in Sydney to pick them up quickly and sand them away. It will level out the spackles and undulations and patches at the joint-compounds and will flatten the ridges around the nail holes. It will also remove the burrs and those rough spots. While thorough sanding takes time, your cooperation will make things quicker and will save time and money.

Get Yourself The Best Supplies

This is a priority, to say the least. You need to get the best possible paints and brushes for the job. While our professionals at On Point Colour Painting Pty Ltd will come up with some flawless painting, the quality of paint and brush will also determine the quality of work by a considerable extent.

While low-quality brushes will adversely affect the quality of paint, leaving back brush marks on the wall, lower quality paint will have a very short life and will peel off pretty early.

Covering the Furniture

This is a pretty self-explanatory step. You will surely not be willing to stain your furniture with paint marks. Therefore, the best step for you is to bring all the furniture at the centre of the rooms and cover them with a plastic sheet, wrap them up properly and then tape the sheet properly at the bottom. This will not only save the furniture from the drops and splatters of paint, but also from the dust from the sanding.

Press the Tape With a Putty Knife

Nothing is more frustrating than discovering that traces of paint have bled through the tape that you had used to cover the woodwork. Hence, to keep this frustrating chore at bay, you need to use a putty knife to stick the tapes firmly. After you have applied the tape on the edges where the wall meets the woodwork and frames, just run the knife securely to ensure a good seal. It will stop the bleeding.

And finally, use a canvas drop cloth instead of an old bed sheet to cover the floor and save it from drops of paint and spills. Canvas will absorb the paint quickly and minimise any chance of the paint slipping on to the floor.

So that ends your work. Now, its the turn of our professional painters in Sydney to take over from here! Get in touch with us at On Point Colour Painting Pty Ltd. Our experts will also give you tips about things that you are needed to do to make your life easier, while your home receives a fresh coat of paint from our experts!

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